Experience Freedom from Smoking Today!

From battling cravings to embracing freedom,
I specialize in helping my clients
quit smoking effortlessly,
in as little as one 2 hour appointment.

Join the hundreds of clients
who've I have helped to quit smoking
without cravings, irritability or weight gain.

Your stop smoking hypnosis appointment
will be
completely natural with
NO drugs - NO needles - NO pills - NO lasers

REAL LIFE TESTIMONY. I was at the recycling center early one morning in 2018 and ran into a client who had quit smoking with me. I personally smoked for 21 years and quit in 2000. With good lighting and enough sleep my skin generally looks very good BUT I can never get away from the truth of what smoking did to my skin. It aged me. It gave me wrinkles and that is the truth of what smoking does to skin.

Hello, I am Helena Jehnichen, AKA “The Stop Smoking Lady” a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Certified Smoking Cessation Specialist, creator of the "The Last Cigarette: Your Pathway to a Smoke-Free Life" program.

Now you can BE one of the 500+ clients that have quit their smoking and vaping habit with me, in as little as ONE 2 Hour appointment either online via Zoom or in person in my Kelowna, BC Canada office. In person appointments are also available in North Vancouver and Victoria several days every few months.


Do you want to
the easy way
or the hard way?

I have a PLAN for you
to do it the easy way.

NO Cravings,
No Irritability,
No Weight Gain,
NO Nicotine ever again.

Hypnosis works well to help people quit smoking
and stop vaping because
YOUR reasons
for keeping your habit,
even when you know how bad it is for you,
are locked deep in your Subconscious Mind.


One of the BIGGEST mistakes that people make when they're trying to stop smoking (or vaping) is that they are TRYING way too hard.

Instead use hypnosis to make quitting the easiest thing to do.

Perhaps you think that nicotine replacement products such as patches, gum, sprays and lozenges are what you need BUT those things can makes things worse because:

1) you're still introducing nicotine into your system

2) you're still spending money on your habit

3) you're still frustrated because you still crave cigarettes or a vape device

Or perhaps you are focused on using willpower, prescription medicine or other substances BUT those things can make things worse because:

A) with willpower you have to remember to use it

B) with prescription medicine, there maybe side effects

C) with other substances, you are replacing one bad habit with another

And while everyone else is telling you to just quit the smoking / vaping habit.

I'm telling you what really needs to happen is to use Hypnosis to:

* REFRAME your thoughts from: its hard to quit, to it’s easy to be free
* REPROGRAM your mind from: it’s an addiction, to it’s a habit
* REWIRE your brain from: a smokers mind, to a non-smokers mind
* REJUVENATE your body and add years to your life and life to your years

What kind of stop smoking
services do you offer?

schedule your Stop Smoking quit vaping  1st of 2 sessions

90% of my clients stop smoking, vaping or chewing tobacco after just one session. However some people like the extra support this program offers.

The first session is a stop smoking session. The next session is for any additional support you may need, in any area of your life to keep you smoke free.

You will also receive my DIY Stop Smoking program that includes multiple self hypnosis stop smoking reinforcement recordings, stress buster technique videos and downloadable handouts. Valued at $99 US

Couples will have their sessions individually and privately. This approach allows for shared experiences and perspectives, fostering a supportive environment. The individual sessions provide personal focus, enabling each partner to explore their unique challenges and goals in a confidential setting. This structure aims to enhance the effectiveness of the hypnotherapy process, ensuring that both partners can progress on their journey to becoming permanent non-smokers.
Each person will receive 2 sessions.

90% of my clients stop smoking, vaping or chewing tobacco after just one session.

You will also receive my DIY Stop Smoking program that includes multiple self hypnosis stop smoking reinforcement recordings, stress buster technique videos and downloadable handouts. Valued at $99 US

If you can imagine all the benefits of quitting smoking, you are already on your way to becoming a healthier, happier, and even wealthier non-smoker


As soon as you do that, you can start to:

1) enjoy better health

2) experience freedom from a habit you hate

3) take back control of your life

4) have money to spend on health or what ever else you like

So that you no longer have to:

A) worry about what smoking might be doing to you

B) spend time on a habit that doesn’t add value to your life

C) make excuses for stepping away to light up

D) spend money on something that makes you sick, smelly and poorer


Book a free phone consultation with the link below and learn how my programs work, so you can step into your most vibrant, healthiest, best smelling version of yourself.


My programs includes the following:

The Unconscious Habit
Release Process

The Craving & Withdrawal
Buster Method

Since 2012, 1200+ clients of mine have successfully resolved issues such as:

  • Smoking / Vaping

  • Digestive and Tummy problems such as IBS

  • PsychoSexual Dysfunction (Sexual Problems created by the Mind)

  • Fears / Phobias (Flying, Driving, Spiders, Dogs & Dentists)

  • Anxiety of all kinds (Tests, Public Speaking, Social Anxiety, and others)

  • Lifelong Weight Problems and many more specialized issues

Hypnosis has the ability
to access that part
of your mind
where habits are stored

ALL of my programs hypnotically:

REFRAME Your Thoughts
and generate new healthy beliefs,
about yourself

and update how you operate,
on a daily basis

REWIRE Your Brain
and create new responses,
to old trigger situations

and heal your body faster

I have solutions and options for you.

One 2 hour Appointment, for those needing just a little help to quit

3 Appointments PLUS a bonus Appointment, if needed to keep you quit.

Do it Yourself - A DIY self paced digital content program

It all starts with a FREE consultation.

Lets have a chat and find out which program is right for you.

Specializing in helping
smokers & vapers quit their habit,
successfully since 2012.

The really GOOD NEWS is
that 90%
of my clients succeed,
to permanently quit
with just one appointment!

Now to be upfront, about 10% of my clients do fail to quit, in just a single session.

Let me clarify that.

  • They THINK they failed but then one day they spontaneously quit cold turkey.

  • What was their tipping point?

  • Was it something they experienced during the hypnotic session?

  • Or did they resolve the real issue of what smoking, vaping was doing for them?

quits cold turkey.

Something has to happen
they decide to quit.

What kind of client will you be?

The one that feels optimistic & just needs a bit of help to quit right away.
Then choose PLAN A.


The one that feels pessimistic & knows they are going to want some extra support. Choose PLAN B

If you think you will succeed WONDERFUL, we can get started right away by having you BOOK your session without a FREE consultation. Click the link at the top of the page.

However if your think you are going to FAIL, with just one appointment, then you will be happy to know I offer:  

1) 24 / 7 / 365 support

2) extra appointments for a reduced fee

3) a service guarantee / warranty aka bonus free session, if you should ever need it

I can’t MAKE you STOP smoking, but I CAN do this for you:

1) I will show you how to STOP THE CRAVINGS. I will also explain to you where those cravings came from. Once you understand this, you get to be in charge of your own thoughts, actions and behaviours.

2) I will teach you how you can REPROGRAM YOUR OWN MIND to take away the feeling that you NEED cigarettes. NOBODY needs cigarettes, nicotine, vape juice or chew tobacco. What you have is a habit of smoking, vaping or chewing AND habits are programmed in the mind.

3) I will show you how to release stress, feel calm and experience pleasurable relaxation in a matter of moments. You can comfortable know that you will NEVER ever need cigarettes, nicotine, vape juice or chew tobacco in your life ever again.

Now I know everyone else is telling you that you need to just quit, to walk away from your nasty, dirty, expensive, and unhealthy habit …

and of course those are all good reasons to quit…

but what I know is that you have worries about quitting, otherwise you would have already done quit and this is why I am telling you that WE will DEAL with ALL of your reasons for smoking in your session, otherwise you might find your old habit biting you in the butt. 

Now this might not be you, however I have found that there are common reasons for smokers and vapers to experience FAILURE to quit AND we address them during you appointment.

Smokers and Vapers might:

Think they have too much stress!
(so we are gonna deal with that)

Belief they have NO coping skills
to deal with stressful life events
(you’re gonna get tools)

Have no way to relax without
reaching for a cigarette

(I will prove you can)

Be terrified of the cravings
(No need, we address this)

Fear the nicotine withdrawal process
(You won’t have any)

Be spiteful towards a partner
that refuses to quit

(You'll feel compassion)

Not know how to drive a car
without lighting up

(You will relearn - naturally)

Worry about seeing other people
puffing around them

(You won’t even see them)

Panic about uncomfortable situations
they can’t get away

(You can still escape)

Feel Anxious if they don’t have
their “Best Friend” close by

(They were never was your friend in the first place)

Experience uneasy thoughts
leading to anxiety & panic

(We can work on that, if you want)

Feel socially awkward
if they don’t join in & smoke / vape

(You won’t want to join in those reindeer games)

Get drunk and accidentally
start up again

(If that happens, you will know what to do)

Be Bored, Lonely, Feel Hopeless
about life

(This can be fixed)

Be quitting for the wrong reasons
(Can’t help you with that one)

Not be ready to quit
(You’ll decide when it is the right time for you)


What happens when you quit smoking?

  • your breathing and overall health improves

  • that irritating cough and shortness of breath goes away

  • you have more money to spend anyway you want

  • you smell better

  • you feel proud of your accomplishment

  • you become an inspiration for someone else

When is the best time to quit smoking?

NOW is the best time to quit smoking!


The Lifetime Service Guarantee means that after working with me for 3 sessions, you ever feel the need to smoke again, or worse than that, you start again, you can reach out to me and have a 4th session for FREE.


You can choose to forgo the lifetime service guarantee and pay only for a single stop smoking hypnosis session. Remember 90%+ of my clients stop in one appointment.


After your stop smoking session, you will receive the following:

  1. Stop Smoking Reinforcement Hypnosis Audio

  2. Stress Reduction Self Hypnosis Audio

  3. Relaxation & Goal Attainment Self Hypnosis Audio

  4. Better Nights Sleep Self Hypnosis Audio

  5. Confidence Boosting Self Hypnosis Audio

  6. Improved Self Esteem Self Hypnosis Audio

  7. Overcome What Other People Think of Me Self Hypnosis Audio

  8. Six videos demonstrating proven rapid stress/craving buster techniques

  9. Printable Handouts

  10. Nutritional Report

  11. Declaration Statements to save to your photo photo gallery


Each client has their own unique reasons for smoking.

In order for me to customize your quit smoking / quit vaping appointment, I take a bit more time at the beginning of your session to learn what has been keeping you smoking all these years.

By spending just a bit more time together, I can teach you how to use your powerful subconscious mind, so you can take control of your thoughts, actions and behaviours and make changes in all areas of your life.


What does it cost each year to smoke one $20 pack a day?

$7200 or $14,400 for a couple of AFTER tax dollars.

Imagine what you could do with an extra $7200 or $14,400 each year.

Some people tell me that they can’t afford a private hypnosis session EVEN if it means saving SO much money. For those people I have created the DIY online stop smoking program. It contains everything my private clients receive EXCEPT:
The hypnosis session is not delivered live or customized to the individual.

Click here to LEARN MORE about this instant access self paced program here.

What is stopping you from quitting smoking?

98% of my clients have told me that they have tried at least one of the following:

  • Will Power

  • Patches

  • Gum

  • Lozenges

  • Prescription Drugs

  • Laser Acupuncture

  • Read a book

None of those methods address the REAL reason why you are still Smoking.

My stop smoking program addresses the REAL reason why you are still smoking.

The REAL reason why you are still smoking is because of your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND!

You have programmed your mind to SMOKE and you believe you can’t stop.

The habit of smoking is in your MIND!

You are in a smoking TRANCE!

My stop smoking program helps you get you out of YOUR smoking trance.


  • With NO Cravings

  • With NO Irritability

  • With NO Weight Gain

  • With NO need to Smoke / Vape ever again


So when you’re ready
, I mean really ready to quit, and not because your spouse or children are bugging you to quit, reach out to me; I have a plan! Let’s set the date and get you finally to quit smoking!

Now is the time to invest in your physical, mental financial health.

What is the easiest way to stop smoking?

The easiest way to quit smoking and to stop smoking forever, is with Hypnosis and changing your automictic responses.

What are the benefits of quitting smoking?

There are so many benefits to quitting smoking including saving money, improving your health, being the role model you always wanted to be, gaining a sense of control and finally knowing freedom from being a slave to habit that you hate.

If you live on Vancouver Island, near me in Duncan, Victoria or Nanaimo, or in the Okanagan near Kelowna, then you know smoking is a powerful habit. Many of my clients live in other provinces in Canada and even throughout the United States.

What is the best way to quit smoking?

Hypnosis works great for habits and smoking is a powerful habit.
The best way to quit smoking and to stop smoking forever, is with Hypnosis.


The Stop Smoking Lady offers stop smoking hypnosis sessions for people living in Kelowna, BC Canada and throughout North America via online video sessions. Choose between Zoom, Facetime or Messenger Video.

My clients come to The Canadian Quit Smoking & Vaping Centre from all over the Okanagan. Online appointments are available for residents of Vancouver Island including: Victoria, Saanich, Oak Bay, Sidney, Brentwood Bay, Esquimalt, Langford, Sooke, Sidney, Duncan, Shawningan Lake, Mill Bay, Lake Cowichan, Cowichan Bay, Cowichan Valley, Chemainus, Ladysmith, Parksville, Courtenay, Nanaimo and from Vancouver and the entire lower mainland and other Canadian provinces such as Alberta, Ontario and even from across The United States.


The process used in this program is the most effective ever developed, and has triple the success rate of expensive patches pills & gums.  The difference?  I combine the most advanced hypnosis techniques with a new ground breaking neurological process to address the problem in the mind, where the habits and cravings are stored, to eliminate them completely once and for all. It is completely natural with no drugs. Hypnosis is an excellent way to stop smoking.



The Lifetime Service Guarantee or BONUS SESSION means that we work together 3 times and then if you should ever feel the need to smoke again, you can reach out to me and have a 4th stop smoking reinforcement session for FREE.

The first session is a stop smoking session (90% of my clients stop smoking in that first session). During the next 2 sessions you can choose to work on any area of your life you wish.

After you have completed your 3 sessions and you EVER feel the need to smoke again, or worse than that, you start again, you can reach out to me for a 4th bonus session.

If after reading this section you feel you are NOT ready to commit to a smoke free life, it is BETTER to postpone your stop smoking hypnosis appointment OR choose to work with me on those other areas of your life FIRST and then when you are ready have that stop smoking session.

Check out www.FlourishHypnosis.com to learn more about what other issues I work with.

It’s about the subconscious mind; our subconscious wants to keep everything the same – that is its job.  Your subconscious wants to lead you away from pain and towards pleasure. And you trained it to believe smoking was pleasurable, but what you really did was tell yourself a lot of lies.  Time for the truth and the truth is you want to be free of having, needing and wanting to smoke


First we will talk.  I will explain every step of this process to you before anything happens.  I care about your well being, and want you to understand the science of how and why this this process is the most effective ever developed, so you feel completely comfortable, and excited to begin. Most of my clients are already a non-smoker BEFORE we do the trance portion of the session, that is because from our first interaction, whether it be on the phone or via a pre-session informational video, you are ALREADY making important changes.

Finally, because I believe in being "double redundant," you will experience a wonderful hypnotic process that has been proven to have a 90% success rate, back up by a two year Oxford University study.  You find a comfortable place to sit or recline and then it will be just like listening to me tell you a story.  You will not fall asleep; that is a myth.  You will be completely in control and will remember EVERYTHING clearly, even if you feel you forgot everything that I said.

When you open your eyes, it will be like before you ever smoked.  Even if someone blows smoke in your face, it won't bother you a bit.  You will be a non-smoker!

Are you looking for some tips to quit smoking on your own?
Click here to learn about my top ten tips to quit smoking.


This program contains everything that my private clients receive EXCEPT that a hypnosis session has not been customized to your specific needs, however most smokers has the same reasons for stopping smoking:

  • Health concerns

  • The ongoing cost

  • The smell on their breath

  • The feeling of being controlled by a substance

  • They are afraid of dying of a smoking related disease

  • and a few more common reasons.

Most smokers has the same fears about stopping smoking including:

  • Grumpiness

  • Irritability

  • Not knowing how to cope with stress

  • Not knowing how to relax on their own

  • Weight gain because they are substituting food for cigarettes

  • Grief - feeling like they are losing their best friend

  • Loneliness and Boredom

With this program I demonstrate several craving buster / stress buster technique including EFT, Havening and a special breathing and EYE movement techniques to restore calm rapidly.

The Canadian Quit Smoking & Vaping Centre, Flourish Hypnosis and The Stop Smoking Lady is a well established clinical hypnotherapy practice that continues to remain on the leading edge, incorporating the integration of several techniques into each individual program. Prior to 2020 the centre had two locations and is located on Canada’s beautiful Vancouver Island the home of Victoria, Duncan, Nanaimo, Cobble Hill, North Cowichan, Cowichan Bay, Shawnigan Lake, Lake Cowichan, Mill Bay, Chemainus, Ladysmith, Parksville, Langford, Sooke, Esquimalt, Sidney and downtown Victoria. Appointments were also available in North Vancouver, Vancouver, South Surrey, Surrey, Burnaby, several days each month. If you live in Kelowna, West Kelowna, Lake Country, Peachland, Penticton, Vernon or Summerland, please visit me in my office in Kelowna for your private and in person session(s).

Helena Jehnichen is a certified clinical hypnotherapist. Canadian Quit Smoking & Vaping Centre is particularly proud to the home of British Columbia’s leading ‘Smoking Cessation Specialist’, Helena Jehnichen, aka The Stop Smoking Lady.

Commonly asked questions I get asked during the free 15 minute consultations

How much does it cost to stop smoking, quit smoking, stop vaping, quit vaping, quit chewing tobacco?

Can I be hypnotized?

What if I can’t be hypnotized?

How does stop smoking, quit smoking, stop vaping, quit vaping, quit chewing tobacco hypnosis work?

How long is a stop smoking, quit smoking, stop vaping, quit vaping, quit chewing tobacco hypnosis appointment?

Do you provide aftercare support to stop smoking, quit smoking, stop vaping, quit vaping, quit chewing tobacco?

Do you provide stop smoking, quit smoking, stop vaping, quit vaping, quit chewing tobacco hypnosis audios?

What if “IT” doesn’t work?

How does the lifetime service guarantee work?

What if I live with a smoker, a vaper, a chewer?

What if I have a craving?

What if my addiction to nicotine is to strong?

What if I have withdrawals?

Do I have to want to stop smoking, quit smoking, stop vaping, quit vaping, quit chewing tobacco?

I have to stop / quit but I don’t want to. Can you help me?

My doctor says I have to stop smoking, quit smoking, stop vaping, quit vaping, quit chewing tobacco but I am scared I can’t. Can you help me?

My spouse, partner smokes cigarettes, vapes, chews tobacco. Can you help me to stay quit?

Can I overcome the addiction of smoking?

How do I overcome the addiction of smoking?

Are you near me to stop smoking with hypnosis?

Are you near me to quit smoking with hypnosis?